All prints from the current exhibition in Caffé Il Vicolo are on sale. If you are interested, reach out to me by e-mail ( or phone (0179-5157987) and feel free to ask the bar staff for my business card. The exhibition will be on display during the opening hours until end of July 2024.

Rome (colour):

Framed 40 x 60 cm prints on Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional paper; frame size: 50 x 70 cm
price: 230,00 Euro (each)

Barcelona (b&w):

Alu Dibond, 50 x 75 cm
price: 390,00 Euro

Rome & Florence (b&w):

Framed 40 x 60 cm print on Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional paper; frame size: 50 x 75 cm
price: 230,00 Euro each

Rome (b&w):

Framed 20 x 30 cm print on Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional paper; frame size: 30 x 40 cm
price: 180,00 Euro - "Interview der Woche": "Talk mit dem Künstler Fabian Schreyer. Der Augsburger ist unter anderem Straßenfotograf und hat das internationale Straßenfotografie Kollektiv „The Street Collective“ mitgegründet. Noch bis zum 7. Mai zeigt die Ausstellung „in limbo – Straßenfotografie von Fabian Schreyer“ im Café und Liebertzimmer des Augsburger Schaezlerpalais‘ ausgewählte Werke. Interview: Rebecca Reiter."

Recently the German tv broadcasting company Bayerischer Rundfunk accompanied me for a day of shooting in the city center of Munich for their cultural program „Capriccio“. You can watch the portrait here. 

in limbo – Straßenfotografie von Fabian Schreyer

10.03.–07.05.2023 im Café und Liebertzimmer des Schaezlerpalais 
Vernissage: 10.3., 18 Uhr, Schaezlerpalais 

Die Straßenfotografie steckt in einem Dilemma: Während die einen freimütig ihr Privatleben im Netz teilen, teilen andere Ängste vor Big Data, Überwachungsstaat und dem Verlust eigener Deutungshoheit. Was bedeutet dieser Spagat für eine Kunstform, die unsere Gegenwart für zukünftige Generationen erlebbar macht? Dieser Frage geht der Augsburger Fotokünstler Fabian Schreyer in seiner Serie "in limbo" nach. Diese reflektiert jenen Schwebezustand, in dem zeitgenössische Straßenfotografie vielerorts stattfindet.

Starting with a public exhibition opening on Dec. 12th 2022 at 7pm I will show photographs from Venice at ANNA Café in Augsburg. The exhibition features 15 photographs from various trips to Venice. It will be on display until Feb. 28th 2023 during the opening hours.

There’s gonna be a 2nd edition of the photo book "Streetfotografie - made in Germany" by Rheinwerk Verlag, to which I had the pleasure to contribute as a co-author together with fellow photographers like Siegfried Hansen or Kay von Aspern.
The updated 2nd edition can be preordered now and will be shipped in March 23.

Thanks to the team at Gothenburg Street Photography Festival 2022 (GSPF) for inviting me to hold a lecture about my street photography during the recent edition of GSPF in Vega Bryggeri in Gothenburg/Sweden.

From Juny 24th till June 26th 2022 the Municipal Gallery organized in collaboration with the “Observe Collective” the 2nd international streetphotography festival in Iserlohn. At five different locations exhibits with more than 300 pictures from photographers and different collectives from all the world were shown. I was invited to show a series during “Observations” at Städtische Galerie Iserlohn. More info.

On Nov. 15th my new solo exhibition „Mein lieber Schwan!“ kicks off at ANNA Café Augsburg. The project evolved during the pandemic, as a result of the winter lockdown. For several weeks I photographed swans at lake Kuhsee in Augsburg/Germany. „Mein lieber Schwan!“ transcends the idea of classic animal photography and merges it with the approach of a street photographer. The result is a set of imaginative, unusual compositions with a pinch of humour.

Ab dem 15. November 2020 zeige ich unter dem Titel „Mein lieber Schwan!“ bereits zum sechsten Mal Aufnahmen im ANNA Café in Augsburg. Als pandemiekonformes Winter-Lockdown-Projekt entstanden diese über mehrere Monate hinweg am Augsburger Kuhsee. „Mein lieber Schwan!“ transzendiert klassische Tierfotografie. Aus der Perspektive eines Straßenfotografen entstehen fantasievolle Momentaufnahmen von Schwänen, die durch Komposition und Komik überraschen und zum Schmunzeln anregen.

Die Ausstellung im Gastraum des ANNA Cafés kann zum 13. Februar 2021 zu den Öffnungszeiten besichtigt werden.

From February 25-29 I will participate as a finalist in Bangkok Street Photo Festival's (BKK SPF) group exhibition, which will take place at Kathmandu Photo Gallery. A preview of all finalist's photos can be found here.

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of getting invited as a talk guest to the live broadcast of "Stadtwerke", a German radio program by Bayern 2 "Zündfunk" (host: Achim Bogdahn), which features local artists in diffrent Bavarian cities. Listen.

Starting November 18th 2019 I will show a series of street photographs from Morocco at Anna Café in Augsburg. The exhibition, which results from 3 trips to Morocco between 2011 and 2018, will launch on Nov. 18th at 7pm with a Vernissage open to the public and will run until Jan. 31st 2020. Screenshot: a3kultur.

Just recently Italian photographer, author and teacher Sara Munari published her new book "Street Photography - Attenzione! Può creare dipendenza" (248 pages). It digs into the history of the genre, but also features important contemporary authors both from Italian and abroad and I'm happy to be involved too. Currently the (e-)book can be purchased for a special presale discout price on her website.

On October 19th & 20th 2019 Street Photography Italy (SPI) and FIAF collaborate for the exhibition the "Street Photography Italy Exhibition Florence" and I'll be one of the contributing photographers. The event will take place in ZAP - Zona Aromatica Protetta. It features workshops, photowalks and an exhibition with 40 photographs from the international street photography scene.

I‘m delighted to be featured as an "INTERNATIONAL ARTIST DIGITAL" during this year‘s edition of The Kolkata International Photo Festival / KIPF in India. A series of my photographs will be on display on huge screens in various venues of the festival - f. e. the Emami Art - Kolkata Centre for Creativity.

About KIPF:

"Kolkata, with her rich history of art, culture, politics and persona has been a photographer’s Mecca not for decades, but two whole centuries. Myriads of lensmen around the world have been drawn to this city for its heady mix of tradition and expression. ​
With that in mind, Kolkata is all set to house the largest repertoire of works from the heart of Europe to the end of Africa at the Kolkata International Photography Festival 2019 to celebrate the entire photographic community in its whole – the amateurs, the enthusiasts, the professionals, the critiques - to represent photography as an art form.
For the first time ever, under the aegis of Maya Arts studio, this 7 day festival shall bear witness to the works of the world's greatest masters –some never-seen-before photographs celebrating Kolkata and its craft of visual storytelling. ​ Starting February 28th, 2019, KIPF looks forward to being a first of its kind and intends to give the veterans their due and serve as a networking ground for both national and international talent. See you there!"

Starting January 5th a series of minimalistic street photographs titles "All You Need Is Less" will be on display in Café Salento in Augsburg (Frauentorstraße 12).

Recently I've been interviewed about my photographic journey by Kai Behrmann for his interview podcast on photography named "Gate 7". The German full length audio file (about 90 min.) is available on his website.

Today one of my Oktoberfest shots has been featured in the column "Unten ohne" of the German weekly newspaper "Der Freitag". They asked their readers a few days ago to come up with the perfect headline for this photograph. The winning headline was: "Hähnchen hoch oder ich schieße!".